Due to issues in the original game that some players are experiencing, a port of SPEAKEASY to a different game engine is currently underway. This port will focus on accomplishing the following:

  • Correcting the bug that sometimes renders the choice between SFW/NSFW content unusable
  • Correcting the bug that doesn't allow players to move past the initial loading screen
  • Decreasing the file size so that it runs optimally on a wider array of machines
  • Update to the UI
  • Adding back accents in certain words that were not supported by the previous engine
  • Typo corrections
  • Replacing a background that was marketed as original art but was later determined to be AI generated
  • Adding title screens at the conclusion of alternate endings before returning to the main menu
  • Plus any other tweaks and corrections that might come up while reviewing the game

Will you be required to update your game?

Nope! If the original version is running well for you, no need to get the new version unless you would like to.

Will save files transfer to the new game?

No. Since it's being ported to a new engine, your original SPEAKEASY save files will not be recognized. Please keep this in mind when deciding whether or not to update.

Which version should a new player choose?

It is recommended that new players choose SPEAKEASY V2.0 once it's released.

When will the release happen?

The port is already being worked on. Initial work on transferring the scripts will be completed by June 2nd, then the work on the choice mechanics, sprite details, and UI will begin. The timeline will be determined soon, but the hope is to get this done as quickly as possible so that players affected can enjoy the game.

Will the new version also be available on Steam and JAST?

Yes! JAST will receive the new updated version.

For Steam, work is currently being done to properly handle the rollout of the new version. Since this is an optional update, we don't want the Steam client to force an automatic update to all players and cause save files and the CG gallery to be lost in the process. V2.0 might take a little longer to release on Steam due to these additional hurdles.


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